Sky Pretty Cure Wikia
Sky Pretty Cure Wikia

The Chiyo-Mikomi Shrine (千代見込の神社? lit. Shrine of thousand generations of hope) is a shrine located in Astrala in the Country of Rainbows. The shrine is located on top of the Iris Mountain.[1] The shrine treasures the eight prisms owned by the legendary warriors who fought against the eternal darkness in past times.


The shrine was originally built to give the Keepers of Rainbows a safe place to dwell, protected from the powers of darkness to take over their powers. The only people who were allowed to enter the shrine were the royal family, the shrine maiden and priests working at the shrine and the Paladin of the Stars. After the final fight against the eternal darkness many years ago, seven of the keepers disappeared, while the eight remained missing. Due to that, the Prisms are currently emtpy and are waiting for their new keepers to come. Shrine maiden and priests look after the holy prisms and protect them from uprising evil.

The shrine maiden, who work at the Chiyo-Mikomi shrine are known as Mikomis. The only Mikomis known are Isabella, a young fairy from Hayazaki Island and Sumire, a fairy of the moon, who was born at the field of moonlight.


  1. The Iris Mountain (アイリスの山?) was named after the first warrior of light.