Sky Pretty Cure Wikia
Sky Pretty Cure Wikia

The Rainbow-Colored Coast (虹色海岸 Nijiiro Kaigan?) is a major location in the Guardian Angels Of The Sky series, located in the northern part of the Bay District. The Rainbow-Colored Coast made its first debut in the first episode of the first season.


The Rainbow-Colored Coast is a large coast located in the northern part of Feather Castletown. It lies inside the Bay District and is the basic name sake of the district. The Rainbow-Colored Coast consists of a shore that is connected with the northern part of the Castle Ward. The shore is sometimes used by the residents as beach but most times of the year, the golden sand of the shore stays untouched. The shore is surrounded by cliffs, that have sharp rocks surfacing out of the ocean. The cliff separating the main Rainbow-Colored Coast and the Path of Music has a lighthouse and a small wooden house built on top of it.



